3 May 2023
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS. Can the Minister for Human Services advise:
1. How many people are currently on the public housing waitlist?
2. How many category 1 people are on the public housing waitlist?
3. How many public houses will be built by the government over the next five years?
4. How many public houses will be refurbished and returned to the public housing stock over the next five years?
The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries): The Minister for Human Services has advised:
As at the end of April 2023, there are 15,761 households on the public and Aboriginal housing register, including 3,253 in category 1.
The SA Housing Authority anticipates building 901 new homes by 30 June 2026, including an extra 564 new homes linked to the Malinauskas Labor government's investment of an additional $232.7 million in public housing during this term of government. The government's plan for 'A Better Housing Future', released in February 2023 also included stopping the planned sale of 580 public housing properties. Additional building activity may also be planned for periods after June 2026 or to align with the commonwealth's proposed $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund and Housing Accord.
The SA Housing Authority undertakes maintenance and upgrades on vacant homes prior to their allocation to a new tenant. In addition to this ongoing work, the Malinauskas Labor government's commitment of an extra $232.7 million for public housing includes funding to upgrade an additional 350 vacant properties and return them to public housing rental stock. The program commenced in July 2022 and has so far returned 51 homes. A further 30 homes are currently in various stages of upgrade, which are expected to be completed prior to the end of the financial year. The remaining upgrades (269 homes) will occur before June 2026.