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Protect the Right to Protest

Labor and the Liberals have launched an extraordinary attack on our democracy – ramming extreme laws through Parliament that crack down on protesters and all those who gather in the public space.

Under these laws, protesters who obstruct public space could face fines up of up to $50,000 or 3 months in jail.

The major parties claim that the laws are in response to the protests we have seen against the fossil fuel industry. The right to peaceful protest and civil disobedience are fundamental to our democracy, and it’s chilling to see the Labor and Liberal parties working together to protect the interests of big corporations ahead of the democratic rights of South Australians.

The Greens joined with organisations including SA Unions, Conservation SA, the Human Rights Law Centre, and Amnesty International Australia in opposing these draconian laws.

Disappointingly, the Government ignored the strong community opposition and decided to push the laws through the Upper House of Parliament after 14 hours of debate. You can watch my opening and closing remarks in the debate here and here.

In May 2024, I brought a bill to repeal these draconian anti-protest laws to a vote in State Parliament, but the Labor and Liberal parties doubled down on their support for the laws and voted down my bill. But the fight isn't over. The Greens will keep campaigning to protect the right to protest.

2,000 Signatures

211 Signatures

Will you sign?

The fight against the anti-protest laws isn't over. Momentum is building in the campaign to overturn the laws and protect the right to protest in SA — but we need your help.

Add your voice to the campaign to repeal the extreme anti-protest laws.