8 February 2024
The State Upper House has passed a bill to ban corflutes on public spaces, following pressure from the SA Greens.
On Tuesday, Greens MLC Robert Simms wrote to the Premier urging the Government to ban corflutes ahead of the Dustan by-election. Yesterday, Labor backed a Private Members Bill in the Lower House on the issue and it came to the Upper House for consideration this morning.
“This is a clear win for people power. South Australians have been urging the parliament to act on this for years. Corflutes on public spaces are widely disliked by the community and are bad for our environment. They also set off an arms race among candidates that has the potential to price out independents and smaller parties that are unable to compete in the battle for the stobie pole,” said Greens MLC Robert Simms.
“Finally common sense has prevailed, Parliament has finally listened to the Greens and the community and SA will come into line with other states across the country.”
Mr Simms secured support for a range of amendments to the bill including:
• Protecting the right to carry posters/signs at protests,
• Ensuring candidates cannot circumvent the ban by using other poster materials,
• Protecting the ability for MPs and candidates to hold street corner meetings with A-frame signage,
• Giving the Electoral Commissioner the power to issue warnings as well as fines for breaches of the rules at polling booths,
• Clarifying the permissions required when erecting election signs to protect candidates from duplicitous conduct.