7 February 2024
Government Ministers would be forced to respond to the recommendations of parliamentary committees within 4 months of the reports being tabled, under a Greens’ bill being introduced into State Parliament this afternoon.
The Greens’ move comes one year to the day since the Committee on Public and Active Transport tabled its report in Parliament. The report included a series of recommendations, including that the State Government initiate a trial of passenger train services from Mount Barker to Adelaide and develop a state-wide integrated separated cycling network. Transport Minister Tom Koutsantonis has yet to provide a formal response to the suite of recommendations.
“Ideally, a bill like this wouldn’t be necessary and the relevant Minister would simply respond to a committee report in a timely fashion,” said Greens MLC Robert Simms.
“Sadly, in refusing to respond to the Public and Active Transport Inquiry’s recommendations, Minister Koutsantonis has highlighted the need for this reform.”
“Committee Inquiries play an important role in highlighting issues and identifying potential policy solutions for Government. Their reports aren’t meant to sit in draws gathering dust. The least that a Minister can do is actually read the report and respond to the recommendations.”
Under Mr Simms’ bill, Committee reports will be referred to the relevant Minister who must provide a response within four months and detail which recommendations will and will not be implemented. Currently there is no requirement for a Minister to respond unless a matter has been referred to the Legislative Review Committee via a petition.