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Greens move to keep pressure on Malinauskas Government over teacher crisis

13 September 2023

The Greens will today move a motion demanding that the State Government acts to resolve the ongoing negotiations with the Australian Education Union by providing urgently needed support for South Australian public education and a better deal for public school teachers.

The push comes as the State Government revises its offer to public school teachers in enterprise bargaining negotiations, just weeks after thousands of public educators took industrial action for improved pay and conditions.

“The pressure on teachers is higher than ever, and State Government’s revised proposal still falls well short of what is required to fix this crisis,” said Greens Education Spokesperson Robert Simms MLC.

“It’s especially concerning that the Government’s new offer means that teachers in some schools won’t receive a reduction in their workloads until 2030. Teachers are already working above and beyond the hours for which they are paid, and seven years is simply far too long for them to wait.”

“The Government must also come to the table with a salary offer that deals with the escalating crisis in the recruitment and retention of South Australian teachers and reflects the importance and complexity their work.”

That this council -

I. Notes that the Australian Education Union (SA Branch) took industrial action on 1 September 2023 in response to the Malinauskas Government’s enterprise bargaining offer;

II. Acknowledges that 80% of AEU members who voted in the ballot to take industrial action voted in favour of doing so;

III. Calls on the Malinauskas Government to commit to supporting South Australian public education by making an offer that meets the AEU’s requests for;

(a) reducing face-to-face teaching by 20 per cent to eliminate excessive and unsustainable workloads;
(b) an additional School Services Officer in every classroom to provide school students with necessary learning support; and
(c) a salary rise of 20 per cent over three years to attract and retain public school educators.