28 April 2022
The State Government should implement rent controls to get prices under control, say The Greens.
The call comes as Anglicare’s Australia Rental Affordability Snapshot reveals only two of 1125 homes on the market in Adelaide can be afforded by an individual on the minimum wage and none could be afforded by individuals trying to live on Jobseeker.
“Rental prices are skyrocketing out of control. While many South Australians are being locked out of the rental market, some landlords are making record profits,” said the Greens Housing Spokesperson Robert Simms MLC.
“It’s time for the State Government to follow the lead of other jurisdictions overseas and implement rent controls to protect struggling renters.
“This has worked in New York for years - why not Adelaide?”
Mr Simms plans to raise the matter in parliament next week. The Greens also renewed their calls for the Government to boost investment in public housing to reduce prices.