27 October 2021
The Legislative Council has backed an amendment from The Greens requiring Government advertising of more than $10,000 to be approved by the Auditor General or by resolution of both Houses of Parliament, in the lead up to an election.
Under the new measure, the Auditor-General will be able to approve advertising considered necessary for the functions of government.
“In the lead up to an election, the lines between government advertising and political party advertising are blurred. It’s only right that there are safeguards in place. An independent umpire or the parliament itself should make a call on whether or not advertising is really in the public interest,” said the Greens’ Democracy Spokesperson, Robert Simms MLC.
“If passed by the House of Assembly, this will be a big win for transparency in South Australia.”
The Shadow Treasurer, the Hon. Stephen Mulligan introduced a similar bill to achieve the reform into parliament during the last sitting period.
The Greens’ amendment to the Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures 2021) Bill was supported by Labor and the cross-benches.