27 May 2021
Mr President, I give notice that on Wednesday the 9th of June 2021 I will move that this council:
1. supports a green new deal for South Australia,
2. notes that 2020 was an incredibly difficult time for South Australians starting with drought and bushfires and followed by the COVID-19 pandemic,
3. notes that increasing unemployment due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic as well as the climate change and rising inequality are key challenges facing South Australians into the future,
4. calls on the Marshall Government to adopt an innovative jobs growth plan through investing in:
a. publicly owned renewable energy and storage projects to address climate change,
b. social housing to help end homelessness,
c. employing more educators, healthcare workers, nurses and social support workers to ensure all South Australians have access to the care they need,
d. the expansion of the public transport network to reduce congestion and decrease emissions,
e. reviving our cbd precinct to support local businesses,
f. creating industries our creative industries and the arts and,
g. care for Country and Culture.