7 September 2021
The Legislative Council has supported an amendment from the Greens to reinstate the moratorium on evictions and rent increases, as part of the Covid-19 emergency response bill.
“This is a big win for renters who are struggling during this pandemic,” said the Greens’ Housing Spokesperson Robert Simms MLC.
“The next step will be for this bill to return to the House of Assembly. I’m calling on the Government to join with the Legislative Council in reinstating these vital protections for renters - ensuring that we don’t have people evicted into homelessness.”
The provisions expired on the 1st of September. Under the Greens amendment, the moratorium on rent hikes and evictions will be reinstated and will expire at the end of the year.
The amended bill will return to the House of Assembly this week. The Greens’ amendment was supported by all parties other than the Liberals, and John Darley MLC.