Pages tagged "Housing and Urban Development"
Motion: Short Stay Accommodation
27 November 2024
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (17:13): I move:
1. That a select committee of the Legislative Council be established to inquire and report on the short stay accommodation sector in South Australia with particular reference to:
(a) the role of short stay accommodation in contributing to the rental affordability crisis;
(b) the social and economic impacts of short stay accommodation on South Australian communities;
(c) the potential to regulate the short stay accommodation sector;
(d) the effectiveness of regulatory models adopted in other jurisdictions, both nationally and overseas;
(e) potential taxes or levies that could be applied to short stay accommodation and long-term vacant residential property;
(f) incentives that could be provided to home owners to transition properties listed on short stay accommodation platforms onto the long-term rental market;
(g) other strategies that could be adopted to activate residential property that is vacant long term; and
(h) any other related matters.
2. That this council permits the select committee to authorise the disclosure or publication, as it sees fit, of any evidence or documents presented to the committee prior to such evidence being presented to the council.
This motion is to establish a select committee looking at the short stay accommodation sector in South Australia. In particular, I am proposing that the committee will have reference to:
- the role of short stay accommodation in contributing to the rental affordability crisis;
- the social and economic impacts of short stay accommodation on South Australian communities;
- the potential to regulate the short stay accommodation sector;
- the effectiveness of regulatory models adopted in other jurisdictions, both nationally and overseas;
- potential taxes or levies that could be applied to short stay accommodation and long-term vacant residential property;
- incentives that could be provided to home owners to transition properties listed on short stay accommodation platforms onto the long-term rental market;
- other strategies that could be adopted to activate residential property that is vacant long term; and
- any other related matters.
In moving for this inquiry, the Greens recognise the severe nature of the housing crisis that we are facing at the moment in our state and the impact this is having on some of our most vulnerable people. While short stay accommodation such as Airbnb and Stayz have become popular features of our state's tourism economy, they also contribute to the housing crisis by reducing the amount of housing that is available to rent or, indeed, buy. This impact can be felt not only in the city and the suburbs but also in regional and coastal areas, where houses are often left empty for six months of the year during the off-season.
How can it be that we have some homes in our state that are vacant for months on end while people sleep on the street? That is not sustainable in a housing crisis, and this parliament has a responsibility to do something about it. We have rent prices that are skyrocketing out of control and a rental vacancy rate that is just 1.13 per cent. That is the latest data according to October.
Last week, new data was released that showed rental affordability in SA is at its lowest level in a decade and that the average renter is spending 30 per cent of their income on rent. Meanwhile, we have perfectly good homes sitting there vacant for protracted periods and we have some people making a lot of money from short stay platforms like Airbnb. It is not sustainable, and we have to look at what we can do to move some of these homes into the long-term rental market.
The Greens have advocated for a long time for the government to build more social housing, and also for parliament to take action to encourage the development of more social and affordable housing at the private development level, but in terms of getting this housing crisis under control we need to look at what we can do to activate stock that has already been built. Are we making the most of properties that are already in the system?
The census data conducted a few years ago found that there were more than 80,000 properties vacant on census night. I am not suggesting all of those were on Airbnb. Even if just a small fraction of them were, though, that demonstrates the significant scale of this crisis. I know from my time being a City of Adelaide councillor that this was a significant factor in the CBD. From memory, there was some data that came out from PropTrack recently which I think found that 2,000 properties were vacant in the Adelaide CBD area alone—about 20 per cent of all properties. That is significant and, again, the government has to do something about that.
Other states have begun to implement a range of different approaches to addressing the impact of short stay rentals and accommodation on housing and looking at what they can do to encourage the owners of these properties to put them back into the housing market. New South Wales was the first state in the country to impose limits on the number of nights that short stay accommodation could be let each year, applying a 180-night cap on otherwise empty properties across Greater Sydney. The Victorian government has introduced a 7.5 per cent levy on short stay accommodation bookings, and that will begin next year. The revenue collected from this levy will go to support building and maintaining social and affordable housing across that state.
Western Australia has recently had a parliamentary inquiry, and as a result they have resolved that all short-term rentals need to be registered with the government by 2025, with a $10,000 incentive to be provided to hosts who make their properties available for long-term tenants. In Tasmania, hosts are now being required to get a planning permit from their local council. Evidently, there are a whole range of mechanisms that governments can deploy to rein in the impacts of short stay accommodation and free up properties that can be used for longer term accommodation.
I know I often talk about a more punitive range of options available—that is, increasing taxes, some of the disincentives that could be placed on Airbnb—but we should be looking at both a carrot and a stick approach. One of the things I would really like to look at through this inquiry, should it get support in this chamber, is what incentives we can provide to landlords as well to get them to think differently about their investment.
We have also seen several councils in South Australia consider tightening their regulations on short stay properties. Adelaide City Council, for instance, has recently made a change so that if a property is listed for short stay accommodation for 90 days or more in the previous financial year, it is subject to higher rates. I think that makes sense because we know, of course, that these short stay rentals have a significant impact as well on council services and amenities, but we should not be relying on a hotchpotch approach at local councils. We need to actually have a systemic, whole-of-government, whole-of-state approach.
An inquiry will be an opportunity for the parliament to investigate the impact of short stay accommodation on the housing market and to consider what measures could be implemented locally. The housing crisis is a key priority for the Greens, here in the state parliament, and I think this inquiry could play a very important role in informing the policy positions that all of the political parties take as we head towards the next election. With that, I conclude my remarks by indicating that I do plan to bring this to a vote when parliament resumes in the new year, and I would encourage members to discuss this within their caucuses to form a position over the Christmas break.
Question: ACOSS Housing Report
27 November 2024
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (14:53): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before addressing a question without notice to the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development on the topic of renting in the regions.
Leave granted.
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS: A joint study released today by the Australian Council of Social Service and the University of New South Wales has found that one in five Australian private renters are living without two or more essential items and that 22 per cent of renters are now living below the poverty line as the nation's dual housing affordability and cost-of-living crises continue. Chief Executive of ACOSS, Cassandra Goldie, told ABC's 7.30 that:
This report paints a very grim picture in terms of deprivation for large numbers of people on low incomes across the country.
We're [also] very worried about the rates of evictions all over the country with rents going up, people in the private rental market, if you're on JobSeeker, there is literally nowhere that's affordable for you to live.
My question to the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development therefore is: when will the Malinauskas government finally take action to rein in soaring rent prices in South Australia's regions?
The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries) (14:55): I thank the honourable member for his question. The issue of rental affordability is one, I am sure, that comes up to probably everyone in this chamber and in this parliament on a regular basis. We know that across the country there is an affordability crisis both in terms of purchasing a property to live in and also in terms of being able to access rental properties and, in particular, affordable rental properties.
In terms of specifically in the regions, we know that those issues can be different in different areas. Probably in no area, however, is there an abundance of rental properties available. The incredibly small amounts of rental availability I think have been well documented, and I hope most in this place would be well aware of that.
The Malinauskas Labor government has done a great deal in terms of trying to address this issue, which has, after all, developed over many years under governments of both types. Changes to family structures, changes to much within our communities, mean that the types of housing that were suitable perhaps 40 or 50 years ago are not necessarily suitable for today's families, in addition to more mobility of people and various other changes within society.
The establishment of the Office for Regional Housing was a key initiative of this government because, as a government, we recognise that there need to be different solutions in different areas. Different industries, different demands on the labour force, different shortages of particular skills: all of these things feed into the factors that make different regions experience the issues that we are talking about in different ways.
The government has also made changes to the rules around tenancies, and they of course apply in regional areas as well as in the city. But the issue of supply of housing is key, and that is why there has been such a large amount of focus on that. In regional areas, it can often be complicated by the fact that there is no such other infrastructure or the infrastructure might be at the limits of its capacity. It is something that requires an ongoing and coordinated approach and, I would certainly hope, multipartisan support.
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (14:57): A supplementary question arising from the answer: how many new public homes has the Malinauskas government built in the regions, and would the minister support a freeze on rents so that South Australians can get some reprieve, particularly those in the regions?
The PRESIDENT: Minister, you can answer the question if you wish.
The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries) (14:58): In terms of the number of houses, I am happy to refer that to the relevant minister in the other place, but I do think that it is particularly appropriate that we refer to the fact that this government has started the turnaround from the sell-off of public housing, which, again, has been under governments of both stripes previously. That is something that the Premier and the housing minister have certainly acknowledged. Under the previous government, there was a large amount of public housing that was slated for sale, and we have stopped that. For the first time, there will be a net increase in the build of public housing.
In terms of a rent freeze, I think the honourable member is aware that the implications of that in terms of potentially reducing the supply of housing stock have been well documented. It is not considered by credible economists to be something that would actually result in the outcome that we would wish, which is more housing availability in the rental market, including in regional areas.
Question: Port Stanvac Housing Development
14 November 2024
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (14:45): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before addressing a question without notice to the minister representing the Minister for Housing and Urban Development on the topic of housing development at Port Stanvac.
Leave granted.
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS: The Advertiser reported today that the Premier, the Hon. Peter Malinauskas, will announce that about 3,600 homes will be built at the former Port Stanvac oil refinery in a pre-election pitch targeted at easing the housing crisis. It was further reported that the state government intends to work with the developer, MAB, and site owner, Exxon Mobil, to remediate the site, open it up to the community, and include a minimum of 15 per cent affordable housing in the new development.
In a meeting with Exxon Mobil in Washington DC in May, the Premier apparently threatened to do whatever it takes legislatively to force the firm to remediate and sell the site for housing. My questions to the minister representing the Minister for Housing and Urban Development therefore are:
1. Will the government commit to increasing the mix of housing at the proposed Port Stanvac development to include at least 30 per cent social housing?
2. Will the government make Exxon Mobil responsible for the costs of remediation to ensure the Port Stanvac site is safe for residential developments?
3. Is the minister satisfied that the new developments will be appropriately serviced by public transport?
The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries) (14:47): I thank the honourable member for his question. I will refer it to the minister in the other place and bring back a reply.
Question: Regional Housing
13 November 2024
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (14:33): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before addressing a question without notice to the Minister for Regional Development on the topic of housing in the regions.
Leave granted.
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS: Not sheep tagging today, Mr President. This month, new data released by PropTrack revealed that with a median price of $449,000 the cost of housing in South Australia's regions is as expensive as it has ever been and up more than 75 per cent since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Shelter SA executive director Alice Clark has warned that housing was already unaffordable for low income households, but is becoming unaffordable for middle income families too, stating, and I quote:
There doesn’t seem to be any plan for housing in regional South Australia, with the State Government’s focus on metropolitan suburbs and market housing underlined by an underinvestment in social housing.
My question to the Minister for Regional Development is: when will the government finally invest in the social and public housing desperately needed to address the housing crisis in our regions?
The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries) (14:35): I thank the honourable member for his question. It is certainly the case that the Malinauskas Labor government has a housing plan, in contrast to those opposite. It is something that is key throughout our state, not just in metropolitan Adelaide but certainly through our regional areas as well. Of course, there has already been the Regional Key Worker Housing Scheme, which has been announced for some time now, and a number of those houses have already started to be constructed and, if I remember correctly, a number have been completed with more on the way.
That is an important scheme in terms of making sure that we can also fill the gaps in particular occupations, particularly in areas such as health, education and so on. I appreciate that this is one small step, but it is part of the coordinated steps—
Members interjecting:
The PRESIDENT: Order! Attorney-General!
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS: Point of order: I am actually interested in the response to the question. This is a matter of importance to me, thank you. It is about the housing crisis.
The PRESIDENT: As am I. Please, let's listen to the minister in silence.
The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN: As I was saying, in terms of the Regional Key Worker Housing Scheme that has already begun its roll-out, it is important not only in terms of housing per se but also in terms of being able to attract and retain key individuals for areas such as the health system, education, police and so on.
Just very recently also, expressions of interest have opened for the development of two parcels of land in Whyalla led by Renewal SA through the Office for Regional Housing. That is intended to deliver up to 70 new homes for Whyalla. Of course, the establishment of the Office for Regional Housing itself was a key part of ensuring that we are developing projects which are suited for purpose in our different regional areas. Something that is always important to bear in mind is that it is not a one-size-fits-all in regions. They are different areas with different characteristics, different histories and, indeed, different futures. The Office for Regional Housing is continuing to do its work in terms of supporting this very important area of policy.
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (14:37): Supplementary question: how many new public houses have been built in the regions so far, and how many will be completed before the next state election?
The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries) (14:37): I'm happy to take that on notice and refer it to the minister in the other place and bring back a response.
Motion: The Joinery
30 October 2024
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (16:39): I move:
That this council—
1. Notes that since 2014, the former Franklin Street bus station, known as The Joinery, has been a unique space for South Australians to gather and connect;
2. Acknowledges that The Joinery is currently used by groups such as the Conservation Council SA, the Adelaide Community Bike Workshop, the Adelaide Sustainability Centre, the Common Ground community garden, the Modern Money Lab, the Wilderness Society SA, SAGE and several smaller community groups that see the space as their home;
3. Recognises the state government have announced the redevelopment of the site to deliver 392 apartments, including 35 per cent affordable housing for rent and purchase; and
4. Calls on the Malinauskas government to work with community groups to find a suitable alternative site to continue their activities.
In moving this motion I should disclose that the Greens are also an organisation that use The Joinery for some of our meetings and activities, and of course I am a member of the Greens. I want to put on the public record that our party organisation uses this meeting space as well from time to time.
Community spaces like The Joinery are vital to thriving, active, connected communities. People need somewhere to gather, to share ideas, and to develop innovations for the future. The Joinery has been a vital community space for over 10 years and is much loved by community groups. The site, previously the Adelaide Bus Terminal, was taken over by the Conservation Council in 2014, and it became a place to connect and create.
The space hosts rooms of all sizes and function spaces to cater for different community needs. There is a bike workshop, a community garden, an exhibition area and a cafe. Put it together, and it is the perfect space for communities to get together. I first became aware of The Joinery's activities during my time on the Adelaide City Council back in 2014, and it really did develop a reputation as a beloved community space.
The hosts of The Joinery, the Conservation Council SA, have allowed the space to be utilised by many different groups. These include the Adelaide Community Bike Workshop, the Adelaide Sustainability Centre, the Common Ground community garden, the Modern Money Lab, the Sustainable Prosperity Action Group and the Wilderness Society.
Beyond the regulars who use The Joinery, the space is also used by 300 different community groups. These include the monthly South Australian Grassroots Ecosystem evenings (SAGE). This is where people can come together, share a meal, learn about new ideas and create projects. Regularly these events are attended by between 50 and 100 people, and SAGE uses the entire Joinery space to conduct their workshops and sessions.
Recently, we learned of Renewal SA’s plan to turn this old bus depot into a development with apartments, a hotel and retail spaces. The Greens always welcome more housing, and I want to congratulate the government on making a 35 per cent allocation for affordable housing in the development. I think that is a really significant thing, and the government should be commended for doing that.
The Joinery is in a vital location in terms of access to community amenity. It is well serviced by public transport. So it is a very good location for affordable housing. I just want to make it very clear that I make no criticism of the government for making this space available for affordable housing, particularly given the scale of the housing crisis we face.
What this means, of course, is now that the government is making that space available for this housing, which, as I say, is a high priority at the moment, the question then must be for the government: where else are they going to find to accommodate these groups? I think that is where the government needs to now step up and do some work.
We understand that there have been conversations with community groups that there may be spaces in the new development made available for public use; however, these groups will only be able to use the space if they are charged a commercial hourly rate, and a commercial hourly rent would be prohibitive for a lot of community spaces.
I used to work in the community sector and many years ago there was a community space, the Torrens Building, which operated to the benefit of community organisations. I worked for the Youth Affairs Council; there was Amnesty based there, I believe; environmental organisations; I think SACOSS also had an office there for a time. That was a really good community space.
Unfortunately, the Rann Labor government, for reasons unknown to me, thought a better use of that key civic and community space would be to turn it into a private university. I think that was a very short-sighted and disappointing decision that the then Rann government made. I believe it was the Rann government. I do acknowledge the work of my colleague the Hon. Tammy Franks. I believe she was quite vocal on that at the time. It was outrageous to see the loss of that community space.
The Joinery has stepped in and filled that gap in many ways, in terms of being an open access space for community organisations. The government now needs to step up and find another location. There is a lot of vacant space in the CBD that they could turn to. Over the last few decades, we have seen community controlled spaces disappear. These spaces are vital parts of our community. They allow people to get together and to connect face to face. They reduce social isolation and they give people more agency in their lives.
It is important that such spaces are fit for purpose, free, easy to organise and not based on an hourly rent system, which is prohibitive for community organisations. These spaces need to be reconfigurable so that they can suit different community needs, and groups must have a level of agency in their management.
In what is an increasingly isolated world, where people mostly connect through their screens, it is so important that we provide spaces in our cities for real-world interaction and organising. This motion calls on the Malinauskas government to find alternative locations for these groups to connect and continue their activities. These activities promote wellbeing, they build relationships and they help people to develop ideas.
It is vital that this new location suits the needs of the groups that will be affected by the closure of The Joinery. What we are really calling for the government to do is to engage in negotiations with these organisations in good faith, so that a solution can be found. I feel confident that a solution can be found. I feel confident that the government can find a pathway through here, but they need to work in unison with the impacted organisations and find something that is going to really suit their needs.
Speech: Residential Tenancies (Minimum Standards) Amendment Bill
28 August 2024
Introduction and First Reading
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (16:38): Obtained leave and introduced a bill for an act to amend the Residential Tenancies Act 1995. Read a first time.
Second Reading
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (16:39): I move:
That this bill be now read a second time.
I am proud to introduce the Residential Tenancies (Minimum Standards) Amendment Bill today. This is an issue that is of great importance to the Greens, and indeed earlier today I joined Uniting Communities, SACOSS and Better Renting at a press conference talking about this bill. I think the fact that the Greens had NGOs coming on board demonstrates the broad community support for the reform that we are seeking to advance today.
One in three South Australians rent their home. Many of them are long-term renters. Many renters are freezing through winter, baking through summer and unable to ensure there is sufficient ventilation keep to keep their homes free from damp and mould. There are currently no requirements for landlords to ensure their homes are healthy to live in. This bill introduces mandatory minimum energy standards to lower energy bills, improve temperature in homes and improve health.
We know how energy prices have been skyrocketing in recent years. We have heard stories about people having to choose between staying warm and eating this winter. Indeed, on Tuesday 7 May the ABC ran a story entitled 'Vulnerable Australians to choose between heating and eating this winter amid cost-of-living crisis'. In the story Anglicare SA's financial counselling and emergency assistance manager Astra Fleetwood said:
Last year we saw an increase in the cost of living and we expect that to continue to worsen.
It's people having to choose whether or not they have food on the table, paying the rent, or paying electricity.
I think we're very much at a crisis point in the community.
There are simple measures that can be implemented to help. Energy efficient appliances, sufficient insulation and the prevention of drafts through suitable seals can make a significant dent on power bills. According to a paper produced by SACOSS, installing insulation, blinds and draft proofing could reduce expenses by over $1,000 each year.
Sadly, renters are powerless when it comes to some of these measures unless landlords choose to implement them. The bill ensures that certain standards are mandatory. A 2017 study found that 90 per cent of renters support mandatory energy efficiency standards. These standards can help renters reduce their energy bills and allow them to stay warm in winter.
Poorly ventilated homes can have a disastrous health impact. Lack of ventilation can increase mould spores in the home and is one of the key triggers for asthma. Asthma Australia's report entitled 'Homes, health and asthma in Australia' found that 50 per cent of people reported some form of mould or dampness in their home in the last 12 months. The biggest barrier to taking action to remove, prevent or reduce the spread of mould was that people could not make the changes they would like because it was not their property. The report from Asthma Australia shows that more needs to be done to protect renters from the adverse health impacts of poorly ventilated homes.
Beyond health and energy bills we also want to make sure renters are not freezing in winter and baking in summer. A report from Better Renting in 2023 measured the real-time temperatures in renters' homes. Their data showed that the average temperature inside these homes was 12.9 degrees, with 90 per cent of participants having a median temperature below the 18 degrees recommended by the World Health Organization. The report includes comments from renters, including this one from Jasmine in Unley:
My home is very cold during the winter, the indoor temperature is barely any warmer than outside. It's really difficult to warm up the living space.
There was another from Emily in Mount Barker:
My bed and my kids beds have flannelette sheets and 2 high warmth winter weight quilts on each bed and it's still freezing. I washed my daughter's school jumper and hung it inside, 3 days later it's still wet.
Or there was this one from Coromandel Valley:
I can't do anything except huddle under the blankets. It takes over my life.
Similarly, in summer renters just cannot keep cool without sufficient ventilation or cooling in their homes. This bill addresses this by ensuring there is sufficient heating and cooling in all rentals.
It would be remiss, of course, for me as a Green not to mention climate change as part of this problem. We know those in lower socio-economic circumstances are the ones being left behind in the transition to renewable energy, and they find it the hardest to adapt to the changes we are seeing as a result of our climate. Improved home energy efficiency will help South Australia to reach its target to reduce emissions and will help climate-proof renters' homes.
Just to give a very brief summary of some of the elements of the bill, the minimum energy standards would ensure that any new residential tenancy agreement would comply with standards for heating, cooling, roof insulation, ventilation and energy-efficient appliances. The landlord would be required to disclose to the tenant the standard of the property in relation to those standards to ensure tenants know what they are getting into when they enter into an agreement. A penalty would apply for noncompliance with the standards and for failing to disclose.
All appliances which use water must comply with ratings as established under the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Scheme (WELS) rating, and there would need to be an assurance that they are of a minimum three-star rating. All rentals need to be fitted with an energy efficient heater and cooler. Roof insulation would need to comply with the minimum standards under the federal Building Code.
Under the bill, chimneys, windows, door exhaust fans and ceiling vents must be maintained to prevent drafts and external windows must have flyscreens. It seems like a no-brainer to expect that a property would have flyscreens but, sadly, many do not, but this is vital to allow for ventilation to prevent mould and damp, and also prevents drafts that create high energy bills. These are not unusual or new ideas. In 2017, the South Australian government released a discussion paper on minimum housing standards. Victoria and the ACT both already have them. It works for them and it can work here.
I commend this bill to all sides of politics. The Greens were very proud to work with the Malinauskas government on the biggest reforms to the Residential Tenancies Act in a generation. We passed those changes last year and they are delivering real change for renters in South Australia, but we need to go further, particularly in the middle of this housing crisis. This bill, I think, is a really important part of the puzzle in terms of improving the lives of people who are renting in South Australia.
Debate adjourned on motion of Hon. I.K. Hunter.
Question: Affordable Housing
19 June 2024
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (14:59): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before addressing a question without notice to the Leader of the Government in this place on the topic of housing affordability.
Leave granted.
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS: Last week, Demographia released their International Housing Affordability Report, which showed that Adelaide is now ranked amongst the least affordable housing markets in the world. Adelaide placed 86th out of 94 international housing markets and was ranked as less affordable than Brisbane, Toronto, Greater London and even New York. The report classified Adelaide as being impossibly unaffordable and demonstrates that Adelaide's middle income housing affordability has steadily declined for the past 40 years, with a steeper drop in the last two years.
Labor has been in government in South Australia for 26 of the last 40 years, and the Labor Party has made a number of planning decisions that have impacted on the current state of the housing market. My question, therefore, to the Leader of the Government in this place is: how does the government justify the decline in Adelaide's housing affordability under Labor's watch and when does it expect to see an improvement in Adelaide's ranking—or does it expect us to sink even further?
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector) (15:00): I thank the honourable member for his question. I don't think the affordability and supply of housing is an issue that is unique to a state that has seen more Labor governments in this century than it has Liberal governments. I think we are seeing all around the world, but particularly around Australia, the emergence of very tight housing supply, rapid increases in the price of housing and increases in rental prices paid for housing.
I know that the Premier, along with the Minister for Planning and Housing, the Hon. Nick Champion, has already outlined a number of initiatives, including some very significant land releases for new housing. I will be happy to go away and bring back a response to have input from the Minister for Housing and the Minister for Planning in much greater detail about many of the initiatives that this current Labor government is working on to tackle particularly housing supply that then feeds into the affordability of housing in the state.
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (15:01): Supplementary: is the minister concerned to learn that we are less affordable than London and New York?
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector) (15:01): I am aware of the survey. I think it was published last week in terms of housing affordability, that if I am remembering correctly is a function not just of the absolute price of housing but the percentage of income that is used for housing in different jurisdictions. Of course, that is why we are concentrating our efforts so closely on housing in South Australia.
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (15:02): Supplementary arising from the original answer: if this is a national matter, how can the minister account for South Australia lagging further behind other states? What is going on here in SA? We have had Labor governments for 26 of the last 40 years. What are you doing wrong?
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector) (15:02): I thank the honourable member for the question. As I said, it is an issue that is affecting and afflicting every state in the Commonwealth of Australia. The honourable member will have seen many initiatives that have already been released, and there will be more to come. I will be happy to get a response that will outline and detail a number of initiatives this Labor government has taken in relation to it.
The Hon. N.J. CENTOFANTI (Leader of the Opposition) (15:03): Supplementary: what money has been set aside in the budget specifically for water infrastructure to support these housing allotment developments?
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector) (15:03): I thank the honourable member for her question. That is not a budget that is within my portfolio, but I will be more than happy to take that on notice and bring back a reply for the honourable member in relation to water infrastructure to support new housing.
Question: Relocation of Public Housing Residents
4 June 2024
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (15:29): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before addressing a question without notice to the minister representing the Minister for Planning on the topic of public housing.
Leave granted.
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS: Today, the ABC reported that more than 300 public housing residents at Seaton will be forced to move out of their homes during demolition and construction of new houses and townhouses as part of plans to redevelop the area. In Victoria earlier this year, public housing residents filed a class action against the Victorian Labor government over their plans to knock down and redevelop their homes. One of the residents involved in the Victorian class action said the process had:
…taken an emotional and physical toll on me and my community... We are still being kept in the dark. The government keeps telling public housing residents that they have plans, but they still haven't told us what the plans are. I don't know where I am going to be living or where I might end up, and the government isn't giving us the information we need to make decisions.
My questions to the Minister for Planning, therefore, are:
1. How does the government intend to accommodate public housing residents who are being forced out of their homes when housing vacancies are at a record low?
2. What is the government doing to support these people through the transition?
3. Can it assure the people of South Australia that it will not repeat the mistakes that have been made by the Victorian Labor government?
The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries) (15:31): I thank the honourable member for his questions. I will refer those to the minister in the other place and bring back a response.
27 August 2024
In reply to the Hon. R.A. SIMMS (4 June 2024).
The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries): The Minister for Housing and Urban Development has advised:
The South Australian Housing Trust has a clear plan for the staged relocation of tenants within the Seaton redevelopment.
All tenants in the area have been written to, including those in the first stages of relocations, those that will move in future stages, and also a small group of tenants that are not required to move.
The South Australian Housing Trust has an extensive history and established policy, procedures and staff that cover relocation activities.
The tenants in the first stages of relocations will be contacted via phone to discuss their relocation and:
- the timeline for the relocation
- why they need to relocate
- explain the relocation process
- what support can be provided–including phone, gas and electricity connection fees, mail redirection for three months and reasonable moving costs
- tenant housing needs and preferences
- reasonable reimbursement of property improvements made by tenants
- any other questions or concerns.
As part of their tenancy agreement, the South Australian Housing Trust has the ability to relocate people in the circumstances of redevelopment.
Staff will work with tenants on a one to one basis to find a new public housing home that meets their needs.
The government appreciates the importance of tenants' existing property and understand that moving home can be a big change. For some tenants it is a real opportunity to move into better accommodation while others might feel anxious and worried.
The South Australian Housing Trust will support tenants and have established additional support services available in this situation.
Tenants can call 1300 918 814 for more information.
In the specific case of Seaton, the age and condition of the properties is impacting tenants as the property is no longer suitable for them.
The local staff have received a number of transfer requests from existing tenants, so for some, relocations will be a positive opportunity that better meets their housing needs.
Question: Federal Funding for Homelessness
14 May 2024
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (15:17): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before addressing a question without notice to the minister representing the Treasurer on the topic of federal funding for homelessness.
Leave granted.
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS: Last week, the federal government announced that they would be providing $9.3 billion to states and territories over the next five years to provide support for people who are homeless, crisis support and to build and repair social housing stock. The move, however, has been criticised as being disingenuous, and I understand that there is no new money that is being allocated. Instead, this represents a business as usual model where the $9.3 billion allocated is simply an extension of the existing funding agreement that has been in place since the years of the Morrison government. My question to the minister representing the Treasurer therefore is:
1. Will South Australia be receiving any new housing funding from the commonwealth over the next five years?
2. What action has the government taken to advocate for more support from the federal government to address the cost-of-living crisis that is engulfing our state?
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector) (15:18): I thank the honourable member for his question. I will be more than happy to pass those questions on to the Treasurer in the other place and bring back a reply for him.
27 August 2024
In reply to the Hon. R.A. SIMMS (14 May 2024).
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector): The Treasurer has advised:
Funding under the new National Agreement on Social Housing and Homelessness (NASHH) is effectively a continuation of the former National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (NHHA) with the only significant changes being the split between the specific homelessness and general housing components.
However, by signing up to the new agreement, South Australia became eligible for a share of the new $1 billion Housing Support Program (Priority Work Stream) funding. This funding will be used to support infrastructure projects that are currently limiting our ability to build more housing. South Australia's share of this is estimated at $67.4 million.
Throughout the negotiations for the NASHH, the government has made efforts to advocate for additional funding. This included representations to the Hon. Jim Chalmers, commonwealth Treasurer, from the Board of Treasurers (all state and territory treasurers) advocating for more funding under the NASHH.
Question: Hutt Street Centre Funding
1 May 2024
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (15:14): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before addressing a question without notice to the minister representing the Treasurer on the topic of the Hutt St Centre's Aspire Program.
Leave granted.
The Hon. R.A. SIMMS: Data released by PropTrack today shows that Adelaide's house prices have increased more than any other capital city in Australia over the last year, at 13.99 per cent. In March, Domain's vacancy rate report showed that Adelaide has the lowest housing vacancy rate in the country, at 0.3 per cent, further pushing people into housing stress and, ultimately, homelessness. The Adelaide Zero Project's March 2024 figures show that 194 people are actively homeless in Adelaide, with 144 people sleeping rough.
This morning, on the steps of Parliament House, advocates were calling for an end to homelessness and better affordable housing options for our state. One homeless service, the Hutt St Centre's Aspire Program, helps people with medium and long-term case management to help get them out of homelessness. Since 2017, the program has seen 81 per cent of their 575 clients secure housing.
The Advertiser reported on 15 April that the Hutt St Centre chief executive officer, Chris Burns, is pleading with the state government to give assurances that it will keep funding the program. Last year, the government gave a 12-month extension in their budget; however, the future of this vital program is now unclear. The Advertiser reports that figures calculated show the program saved the government nearly $33 million—$33 million—in reduced hospital stays, criminal procedures and other services.
My question to the minister representing the Treasurer therefore is: will the government commit to funding the Aspire Program in this year's state budget, and what is the government doing to address the housing and homelessness crisis that is engulfing our state?
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector) (15:16): I thank the honourable member for his question. I will refer that to the appropriate minister and bring back a reply for him.
In reply to the Hon. R.A. SIMMS
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector): The Treasurer has advised:
The Malinauskas government has provided funding for extensions of the Aspire program, firstly through an election commitment of $2.1 million and secondly with a further $1.695 million in the 2023-24 state budget. On top of this, the 2024-25 state budget included a further $5 million over four years to extend intake of the Aspire program for an additional three years.
In addition to the extending funding for the Aspire program, the new five-year National Agreement on Social Housing and Homelessness agreement will secure an estimated $625.05 million from the commonwealth government over the next five years. Of this amount, $126.69 million will be used to address homelessness. The state will also match this contribution, bringing the total funding for addressing homelessness to $256.38 million over the next five years.
The South Australian government has launched its Better Housing for South Australians Roadmap, which includes a comprehensive plan to deliver more social and affordable dwellings and provide better opportunities for those who are renting privately and buying a home. These initiatives are summarised below.
The state government has committed to delivering the first substantial increase to public housing in a generation. Former governments allowed public housing to gradually decline, resulting in longer waiting times for people who need help.
The state government is on track to deliver over 1,025 new homes and undertake 3,350 updates and upgrades to existing homes by 2026. The state government has also committed to stopping the sale of 580 public housing dwellings between 2022 and 2026.